Title: The Vast Fields of Ordinary
Author: Nick Burd
Year of Publication: 2009
Genre: YA
Pages: 309
First Line: "I spent a good part of my senior prom drawing DH + PS in a giant heart in the last stall of the Cedarville High boy's bathroom."
Summary: It's Dade Hamilton's last summer before college. He has a crappy job at Food World, a "boyfriend" who won't publicly acknowledge his existence (maybe because Pablo also has a girlfriend, one of the most popular girls in school), and parents on the verge of a break-up. Add to all this the case of Jenny Moore, a nine-year-old whose disappearance has gripped his Iowa town, and Dade's main goal is just to survive until he leaves for school.
Then he meets the mysterious Alex Kincaid, a dreamy-eyed misfit with all the wrong friends. Alex breathes new life into the suburban wasteland that Dade can't wait to escape -- but real love, like truth, has consequences, and its power soon sets in motion a tragic chain of events that will change Dade's life forever.
Source: Back of book
Review: The beginning of the book is a bad representation of the rest. The rest of the book is a million times better. I'll be honest -- there's not a whole lot of plot going on, and it's a whole lot of nothing for the most part. But it's pretty interesting. There were some loose ends at the end (one in particular that was annoying, having to do with Alex), but other than that I was pleasantly surprised with this. It wasn't the best book I've ever read by any means, but it was enjoyable.
Worst part: Probably that loose end about Alex.
Best part: I loved the main character, Dade. And the description of kisses was somehow fantastic.
Grade: B
Other Books by This Author: None, but he's working on others.
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