Title: The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner
Author: Stephenie Meyer
Year of Publication: 2010
Genre: Fantasy, YA
Pages: 178
First Line: "The newspaper headline glared at me from a little metal vending machine: SEATTLE UNDER SIEGE -- DEATH TOLL RISES AGAIN."
Summary: Bree Tanner can barely remember life before she had uncannily powerful senses, superhuman reflexes, and unstoppable physical strength. Life before she had a relentless thirst for blood...life before she became a vampire.
All Bree knows is that living with her fellow newborns has few certanties and even fewer rules: watch your back, don't draw attention to yourself, and above all, make it home by sunrise or die. What she doesn't know: her time as an immortal is quickly running out.
Then Bree finds an unexpected friend in Diego, a newborn just as curious as Bree about their mysterious creator, whom they know only as her. As they come to realize that the newborns are pawns in a game larger than anything they could have imagined, Bree and Diego must choose sides and decide whom to trust. But when everything you know about vampires is based on a lie, how do you find the truth?
Source: Back of book
Review: In true Meyer fashion, her characters are below average, as is the writing style. Just like her other novels, however, the story itself is original, creative, and interesting. With this novel, she does a better job at forming the universe which readers missed out on in the Twilight saga. Though I haven't compared the end scene with Bree's scene in Eclipse, I'm curious to. I feel some parts in this were added to the conversation which didn't take place in its mother novel, but I could be wrong. I was very interested in Fred's character and somewhat shocked by Riley's. He is not as I imagined him in Eclipse. The added Volturi plot was very interesting as well. It's a quick read and definitely worth it if you've read the rest of the series. You could even, for the most part, read and understand without having read Twilight. This made me wish Meyer did this for other characters, as well, especially Quil and Claire.
Worst part: The characters were flat as always with Meyer.
Best part: The idea of the story. Meyer is a great story teller. Many people won't admit to it, but it's true. She's great at weaving plot lines -- just not great with characters and the actual words.
Grade: B (almost a B+)
Other Books by This Author: The Host, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and (the failure of all enders), Breaking
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