Title: Lucky T
Author: Kate Brian
Year of Publication: 2005
Genre: Fiction
Pages: 291
First Line: "On a warm and sunny Saturday morning, Carrie Fitzgerald stepped out of her walk-in closet wearing a lime green miniskirt."
Summary: Some girls have all the luck. So far, Carrie Fitzgerald's sixteen years have been pretty sweet. Straight A's, an adorable boyfriend, a starting position on the varsity basketball team. . .
But Carrie's luck is about to, well, change.
Suddenly, her boyfriend dumps her (to "hang out with his friends"), she and her best friend have a massive blowout, and she gets a D on a biology test. Carrie knows what's wrong -- her mom accidentally donated her lucky T-shirt to Help India. That one adorable, perfect T-shirt was the source of all her good fortune.
So Carrie does what any girl would do: she's going to India. Cross your finger sand hope that Carrie finds adventure, love, and maybe just a little good luck along the way. . . .
Source: Back of book
Review: A bit slow in some places. I previously read Megan Meade's Guide to the McGowan Boys which is also by Brian and enjoyed that more than this novel. This is a cute and fun read, but not challenging in any way. I expect this would be the same for any age reading it. The novel was missing something that I can't quite put my finger on that made it just an "okay" book (or even a step below "just okay"). Furthermore, I found the fact that she would go to India to find this shirt incredibly unrealistic. While the summary on the back of the book addresses that with a sort of joke, I found it too implausible for a "realistic" novel which made it less enjoyable as a whole. Despite this, I found her character otherwise (especially her flip-flopping) to be very real and believable.
Worst part: The pace kind of jumped all over. It was weird and jolting.
Best part: I liked everything to do with Doreen.
Grade: C-
Other Books by This Author: Megan Meade's Guide to the McGowan Boys, The Princess and the Pauper.
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