Monday, April 30, 2012

Karla and Kinsey Book Review Part I: Shatter Me

Review of Shatter Me
By Tahereh Mafi
Reviewed by Karla Accorto
5/5 stars

No one can touch Juliette, or so she tells people, because bad things happen to those who touch her. Sometimes, even deadly things. Thus, she is thrown into a futuristic asylum where the only rules are the ones that you figure out for yourself. Hundreds of days pass for Juliette—almost a year—before she finally has contact with another human being: Adam, a ghost from her past. Only, Adam isn’t like the rest of the people Juliette has encountered in her life; he can touch her, and nothing bad happens. However, the government has other plans for Juliette, plans that she isn’t willing to be a part of. With Adam’s help, Juliette must figure out how to prevent a ruthless leader from exploiting the lethal weapon that is her body.

Quite simply, I loved Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi. It was one of the best books that I have read in a long time. I truly enjoyed Juliette’s narrative and the story was told heavily with suspense—definitely a page-turner. I read it all in one day, almost a single sitting, staying up much past my bedtime to found out the ending that awaited Juliette and Adam. The world Mafi created, something that is really important to me as a reader, was realistic and gritty and quite plainly, scary. I was terrified of the society that Juliette lived in. I cannot imagine what it would be like. Adam was easily one of my favorite male characters in fiction because he was so complex. I never knew what to expect from him and I was constantly wrestling with the idea of him being good, evil, or even a little bit of both. His dialogue was believable, too, and he was quite charming and funny at times. I loved Juliette as a heroine because she was focused with strong inner morals and values. She knew what was right and wrong and stuck to her beliefs. She was not weak at all, and most importantly, she was independent. Adam’s younger brother was adorable, too, and Kenji provided some good comic relief. Warner, however, crept me out, even from the beginning, and when I found out his real age, my jaw dropped. He was obsessive though, and borderline stalker-ish. An interesting character, but downright scary.

I have few complaints about Shatter Me. As I said above, it is one of my favorite fiction books of all time. I was only sad that it ended. However, there is a sequel set to be released next February and even a movie in the works, as Fox has gained the film rights to it. Midnight Premiere here I come!

Kinsey and I both enjoyed this book….Dystopian seems to be a good genre for us. Although, I fell in love with the writing style and voice immediately, it took a little while to grow on Kinsey. In the end, though, we both agreed that the book was a great read. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoyed The Hunger Games or Divergent or is just looking for a book that isn’t like all the rest. 5 stars from me.

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