Title: Womb
Director: Benedek Fliegauf
Starring: Eva Green, Matt Smith, Lesley Manville, Peter
Year of Release: 2010
Genre: Drama
Length: 111 minutes
Genre: Drama
Length: 111 minutes
Rated: R
Tagline: What are the consequences of giving birth to
your dead boyfriend?
Summary: A woman's consuming love forces her to bear
the clone of her dead beloved. From his infancy to manhood, she faces the
unavoidable complexities of her controversial decision.
Source: IMDB.com
Review: This is not your average science-fiction movie. Womb is full of thought-provoking questions, many of which stem from one of the most complicated and simple questions on earth: Who am I? While the film does not use a lot of obscenities, it does feature one fairly graphic sex scene, however it is tastefully done. As a European film, the movie is very different from most American/Hollywood flicks. Dialogue is minimal and there is little if any musical score to accompany the action.
I had heard of the film several months ago and, as I'm a
Matt Smith fan thanks to Doctor Who, I was eager to see it but was unable
to until now. A friend of mine reminded me of the film recently and I
happened to see it was streaming on Xfinity, so I watched it. When I told
the friend I was watching the movie, she said she did not think she would be
able to handle it. She is nineteen. I include this brief digression
to emphasize that the topics and themes in the movie may not be suitable for
not only younger viewers but also for people who are not interested in jolting
ideas that may make them question various aspects of their life and their life
in general. This movie deals with some deep ideas and, while it is not
graphic in violence, etc., the movie requires the viewer to be prepared.
Womb is different. The cinematography is unusual
and the characters are, at times, lacking personalities. However, it is
the questions that are important, not the characters, in this film. While
watching, I tried to decide if the film was intended to be a statement on
cloning, etc., but I am undecided on this. I lean more towards the idea
that the film is meant to cause questions, not necessarily promote a
pro-cloning or anti-cloning attitude.
That said, if you think you can handle it, I recommend it.
Personally, I think watching it alone and encouraging a friend to do the
same so you can discuss after is ideal, rather than watching the film together.
It's definitely one to stir conversation.
Grade: B+
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