Title: My Sister Lives on the Mantelpiece
Author: Annabel Pitcher
Teen Reviewer: Amy Soraghan
Rating: 4/5 Stars
Jamie has never known his sister, Rose, even though she is present in almost every aspect of his life. Rose died from a terrorist bombing in London, leaving Jamie and his remaining family broken and trying to pick up the pieces. Jamie’s father, an alcoholic, pays more attention to Rose’s urn that sits on the mantelpiece than reality and even puts a birthday cake on the mantel during Jamie’s birthday. Jamie’s mother has run off with a man from her support group and now she no longer lives with them. Jamie is only ten and his sister died when he was five so he doesn’t really feel sad about the fact that Rose died even though everyone else thinks he should. When they move, the only person that Jamie has to talk to is his other sister, Jas, who is Rose’s surviving twin. She is the only person who takes care of him and is his only friend until he meets Sunya. Jamie and Sunya instantly bond and even stand up to the kids that bully them in school. The only problem is that Sunya is Muslim. Jamie knows that his dad hates Muslims because they killed Rose, and if he ever found out he would not let Sunya and Jamie be friends.
Through this book, the reader sees that
families and friends come in all shapes and sizes, but that does not make them
bad. This is an important story about dealing with loss and seeing the effects
of prejudice through the eyes of two ten year olds. I really enjoyed this book
and thought it was well written and very moving. This is a good book for anyone
who is looking for something heart wrenching and powerful. Usually, if I like a
book I can read it in a couple days, but I had to spread this book out a little
longer because it was so emotional. I couldn’t take it all in one sitting.
Overall, this book is really good, and I would recommend it to my friends. I think
it is heartfelt and, ultimately, very inspiring.
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