Title: Lost and found
Author: Orson Scott Card
Teen Reviewer: AJ
4/5 Stars
Told through the eyes of a fourteen-year-old boy, Lost and Found tells the tale of Ezekiel and his gift of finding lost objects. Ezekiel’s gift, known as a micropower, is a common struggle for him because when he finds things and returns them, the owner thinks he stole them in the first place. After run-ins with the police, Ezekiel decides to stop returning things. He still knows where lost objects are and how to find their owners but he decides to ignore them. Everyone ignores him, thinking he’s a thief, until one day a girl named Beth enters his “shunning bubble,” as she likes to call it. When a police officer comes to his house in hopes that Ezekiel will help him find a missing girl, Ezekiel doesn’t want to but Beth convinces him. Cue a thrilling adventure of twists and turns which ends in Beth going missing. Ezekiel must find these two girls before it’s too late.
Normally, I look at the first sentence of a book and I can tell if I am going to enjoy it. The first sentence of this book didn’t hook me and it took a chapter or two to really captivate me. Once I was thrown into the world of micropowers, I could not put it down. When reading, you will understand what life is like when you are a social outcast and Orson Scott Card shows that in a riveting new way through the creation of micropowers. This book really captures the feelings of losing someone and regaining them into your life. This was an inspiring mystery to read and for this reason, I give it four stars.
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