Title: Love, Stargirl
Author: Jerry Spinelli
Year of Publication: 2007
Genre: YA
Pages: 274
First Line: "Dear Leo, I love beginnings."
Summary: Stargirl has moved and left everything behind: Arizona, Mica High, enchanted desert places -- and Leo.
He's all she can think about, and her life begins to feel like a parade of unhappy anniversaries. Then Stargirl meets her wonderfully bizarre new neighbors: Dootise, the curly-headed five-year-old "human bean"; Betty Lou, who hasn't stepped outside her house for nine years; Charlie, who sits among the tombstones; hot-tempered Alvina with that one glittery nail; and Perry Dellopane, the blue-eyed thief who soon lays his own claim to Stargirl's heart.
In letters to Leo over the course of a year, Stargirl comes to find hope in new places: mockingbirds, donut angels, moon flowers, and the Winter Solstice -- that turning-point day when dark tips to light. But what's life without Leo? Will he -- can he -- answer that one crucial question she asks every morning to the rising sun?
Source: Back of book
Review: Probably about as good as Stargirl, which I loved in a quirky sort of way. I really don't have much to say about this one. You could probably read it without having read the prequel, but I'd suggest reading the first just because it's good. Definitely appropriate for younger readers as well as older -- there is a lesson for everyone in this special novel. I sound totally lame and manufactured, but really, it's special like that. Just read it, 'kay?
Worst part: The ending was a little anti-climactic, but not horribly so.
Best part: The fact that it exists and doesn't totally ruin the first book.
Grade: B+
Other Books by This Author: Stargirl, Milkweed, Knots in My Yo-Yo string and Crash
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